Mianus Clarity Fund 风投基金



全球眼科为风险投资提供了丰富的机会、基金面临的竞争少、赛道宽松。该领域有强劲的未满足的医疗需求、高潜力的突破性技术、强大的行业壁垒、优质医疗产品有清晰的投资退出路径、以及拥有近 1 万亿美元储备的生物制药企业对创新项目与企业的收购潜力。


Mianus Clarity Fund 是一个聚焦于全球眼科细分领域、推动主要在眼科以及其他治疗领域的创新进行投资的风险基金,我们主要针对解决眼科未满足或服务不足市场、有前途和潜力的公司,从早期种子轮、A 轮开展临床试验到后期商业化的企业进行阶段性投资。


风投基金与 MERIT CRO 公司建立了战略合作关系、利用 MERIT CRO 在全球眼科临床试验细分领域中拥有领先的市场份额、顶尖品牌的知名度和丰富的专业知识,来获得高质量的投资项目,并利用 CRO 公司拥有丰富的科学、医学临床和商业专业知识,主要在全球眼科以及其他治疗领域、对早期到后期的企业进行阶段性投资。



风投基金团队由经验丰富的风险投资家、企业家、投资银行家和经验丰富的投资者组成, 他 们在眼科和其他治疗领域拥有广泛的领域知识和广泛的网络。我们的团队将不断扩大,将有 更多的在生命科学领域富有盛名的合伙人和顾问加入。
portrait of Steve Yang

杨朝晖, CFA, MBA

Co-Founder and CEO

杨先生在资本市场、科技、生命科学和管理咨询领域拥有超过25年的丰富经验。 他是Mianus Capital的联合创始人兼首席执行官,也是美国临床终点解决方案提供商 MERIT CRO公司的董事会成员兼首席财务官。 他之前曾在野村证券、苏格兰皇家银行和黑河资产管理公司等银行和基金公司担任过各种管理职位。他于 2001 年在麦肯锡公司开始了他的管理生涯。 杨先生以优异的成绩获得密歇根大学罗斯商学院的 MBA 。他还获得了明尼苏达大学的计算机科学硕士学位,计算机与电气工程学士学位。

portrait of David

David Bingaman, DVM, PhD


David Bingaman 博士在眼科领域拥有超过 25 年的工作经验与专业知识,涵盖整个新药研发周期和多个适应症。他在Ora (眼科CRO公司)担任首席开发官,负责监管、临床、非临床和 CMC 业务。在加入 Ora 之前,Bingaman 博士曾在多家顶尖药企和生物技术公司任职。包括 Alcon Laboratories、Alcon/Novartis、Oculis 和 PanOptica。Bingaman 博士是一位经过委员会认证的兽医眼科医生,专利拥有者以及知名的作家和演说家。Bingaman 博士获得印第安纳大学眼部血管生成专业的博士学位和华盛顿州立大学兽医博士学位。

portrait of Yijun Huang

黄一骏, Ph.D.

Co-Founder and Venture Partner

黄博士是一位成功的企业家、曾在大型跨国企业担任高管,在生命科学领域拥有超过 25 年的商业经验,在眼科临床研究和医学影像方面拥有扎实的专业知识。 他是 MERIT CRO公司的联合创始人兼首席执行官。在他的领导下,MERIT 成为全球眼科临床试验市场中份额最大的行业领导者、拥有顶尖的品牌和丰富的专业资源。他还领导 MERIT 业务扩展到广泛的治疗领域和亚洲市场。 在创立 MERIT 之前,黄博士是全球知名眼科仪器公司 Topcon Medical Systems 的工程副总裁和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的高级科学家。他在宾夕法尼亚大学生物工程专业获得博士学位。

portrait of George Magrath

George Magrath, MD, MBA

Venture Partner

Dr. Magrath 目前担任Ocuphire Pharma, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码: OCUP)首席执行官兼董事会成员。在加入Ocuphire之前,Dr. Magrath曾是Lexitas Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.首席执行官,在他的领导下,这家专注于眼科临床服务的CRO公司实现了显著增长,拓宽了业务线,大幅增加了收入。他成功地带领Lexitas完成了与顶尖私募基金集团QHP Capital的收购和整合过程,打造了一家顶尖的CRO公司,并为投资者创造了显著价值。在加入Lexitas之前,Dr. Magrath曾担任Hovione Pharmaceuticals 公司的医学总监,负责发展和推进公司在皮肤病学、眼科学和呼吸学领域的药物研发。他曾在许多行业咨询委员会任职,并撰写了许多同行评审的出版物。.

portrait of Philip A Gioia

Philip A Gioia, MBA

Venture Partner

Gioia 先生作为有变革能力的领导者拥有超过30年的制药行业经验,在品牌和仿制药领域创造增长和取得成果方面有着广泛的往绩。他曾在 Warburg Pincus 担任常驻执行官,目前是高级顾问。 他是 Vinci Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 的联合创始人和董事会成员,Eye Therapies, LLC 的董事会成员和 Rebiotix、ORA Clinical、TearClear、Orasis、Ocugen、Mimetogen 等公司的董事会顾问。他是 Bausch & Lomb 的北美制药总裁。 他在康涅狄格州Sacred Heart University大学获得了 MBA,并在Montclair州立大学获得了本科学位。


基于我们平台公司 MERIT CRO 和被投企业的丰富的行业资源,我们的科学顾问团队由一群最杰出的科学家和眼科医生组成,他们是许多眼科临床试验的专家和关键意见领袖 (KOL)。我们的科学顾问帮助基金筛查高质量的投资项目、并协助尽职调查、参与投资决策委员会、并帮助被投企业成长。

portrait of Karl Csaky

Karl Csaky, MD, Ph.D.

Csaky 博士是知名的年龄相关性黄斑变性创新临床中心的T. Boone Pickens主任,西南视网膜基金会的首席执行官兼首席医疗官。他的主要兴趣领域是研究与视网膜疾病相关的临床研究和药物输送技术的开发。 Csaky 博士是黄斑协会、视网膜协会、AAO、ARVO、美国眼科协会和美国视网膜专家协会的成员。 Csaky 博士在约翰霍普金斯大学Wilmer眼科研究所完成了视网膜研究,并在国家癌症研究所完成了博士后研究。他在杜克大学实习医学,在华盛顿大学实习眼科,他是德国Essen埃森眼科诊所的Fulbright学者。 Csaky 博士在路易斯维尔大学获得医学博士学位,并发表了140 多篇经过同行评审的出版物和书籍章节。

portrait of David S. Boyer

David S. Boyer, MD

Dr. Boyer is a world-renowned clinician, surgeon, and educator, he is a Top 10 influential Retina Specialist in the country and a leading investigator for various national clinical trials on retinal diseases and serves as an advisor for multiple research, educational and charitable institutions. He is Senior Partner at Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group with offices in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, North Hollywood, Torrance, Pasadena and Tarzana, CA. Dr Boyer is a Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology with the University of Southern California/Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA. He graduated from Chicago Medical School Rosalind Franklin University in 1972. He is affiliated with PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital.

portrait of Deborah Ferrington

Deborah Ferrington, Ph.D.

Dr. Ferrington is the chief scientific officer at Doheny Eye Institute, a global leader in vision research and basic science. She serves as a permanent member of the National Institutes of Health Biology and Development of the Eye Study Section. Dr. Ferrington has 20+ years of experience in academic research, most recently as professor and Elaine and Robert Larson Endowed Vision Research Chair in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She completed her undergraduate degree in biological science and scientific illustration, and a master of education program from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Ferrington went on to receive her Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Kansas, where she also completed a postdoctoral fellowship.

portrait of Antonio Capone Jr.

Antonio Capone, Jr., MD

Dr. Capone is a clinical associate professor of medical sciences at Oakland University in Michigan, and a partner at Associated Retinal Consultants in Royal Oak, Michigan. He is also a chief clinical officer at EyeCare Partners, a leading clinically-integrated network of ophthalmology and optometry providers. Dr. Capone is currently on the leadership board at the Retina Society, and completed an Emory Fellowship, one of the most prestigious in the U.S. He was president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), and a member of the Alcon KOL Advisory Board. He received his medical degree from Brown University Medical School and completed an internship in internal medicine at Yale University.

portrait of Richard Lindstrom

Richard Lindstrom, MD

Dr. Lindstrom is founder and attending surgeon of Minnesota Eye Consultants and adjunct professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Department of Ophthalmology. He is a board-certified ophthalmologist and an internationally recognized leader in corneal, cataract, refractive, and laser surgery. He has been at the forefront of ophthalmology’s evolutionary changes throughout his career, as a recognized researcher, teacher, inventor, writer, lecturer and highly acclaimed physician and surgeon. He holds over 30 patents in ophthalmology and has developed a number of solutions, intraocular lenses, and instruments that are used in clinical practices globally. He serves on the Board of Directors of AcuFocus, Inc, TLC Vision, Occulogix, eyeonics, Refractec, the Minnesota Medical Foundation, and Inner City Tennis. After graduating magna cum laude from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Lindstrom completed his doctorate degree in medicine in 1972.

portrait of Julia A. Haller

Julia A. Haller M.D

Dr. Haller is one of the most respected and influential retina specialists in the world. She is a professor and chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. She also holds the William Tasman, M.D., endowed chair at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, where she is ophthalmologist-in-chief. Dr. Haller is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, numerous international scientific advisory boards, and sits on the board of trustees of the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO), the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and the Society of Heed Fellows. She earned her A.B. from Princeton University, magna cum laude. Dr. Haller received her medical training at Harvard Medical School, followed by an internship at Johns Hopkins, and a fellowship in ocular pathology at Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital. Her residency was at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital, followed by a retina fellowship at Hopkins. Dr. Haller was appointed the first female Chief Resident at Wilmer in 1986.

portrait of Paul M. Karpecki

Paul M. Karpecki, OD, FAAO

Karpecki 博士目前担任位于肯塔基州的肯塔基眼科研究所的角膜和外部疾病主任。他还是 KEPLR Vision 的 Optometry 评论和医学总监的首席临床编辑。 Karpecki 博士被任命为 Wilmer Johns Hopkins 的 Delphi 国际学会成员,该学会包括世界上排名前 25 位的干眼症专家,并且是前两届泪膜和眼表学会研讨会的联合主席。他曾在 DEWS II 诊断方法委员会任职。 Karpecki 博士还是派克维尔大学肯塔基眼科学院的副教授,并担任慈善组织 Optometry Giving Sight 的董事会成员。 Karpecki 博士在印第安纳大学获得了验光博士学位,并在堪萨斯城完成了宾夕法尼亚验光学院附属的医学角膜/屈光手术 Durrie 奖学金。

portrait of Jai G. Parekh

Jai G. Parekh, MD, MBA, FAAO

Parekh 博士是一名受过双重培训的内科医生和董事会认证的眼外科医生,在临床和学术实践、制药和医疗器械技术、医疗事务和研发以及临床开发方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识。他是 EyeCheq 的执行副总裁和首席创新官。此前,他是艾尔建 (Allergan) 的首席医疗官兼眼部护理副总裁。 Parekh 博士是新泽西州圣约瑟夫健康研究所角膜和外部疾病的主任兼医学主任。他是医疗保健系统董事会、基金会董事会和执行委员会的成员。 Parekh 博士还与他人共同创立了三个享有盛誉的眼保健协会:美国-欧洲眼科外科学院 (AECOS)、CEDAR/ASPENS 协会 (CAS) 和 Vanguard 眼科协会 (VOS)。他是纽约西奈山纽约眼耳医院伊坎医学院眼科临床副教授。 Parekh 博士拥有波士顿大学医学院的医学博士学位和杜克大学 Fuqua 商学院的 MBA 。